
WebsitesForTrainers.com puts you in control of your website!

For only $11.95 a month, websitesfortrainers.com allows you to create and update your website, and that $11.95 a month fee includes website hosting, a library of images, an online store (which gives you 10% of the sales), Paypal, and more!

You may use a domain name already registered, or we will register a domain name for you at GoDaddy.com, you choose during the signup process. Godaddy.com charges a low $20.38 for two years of domain registration, and the one time setup fee is only $19.95.

You can now create a websitesfortrainers.com demonstration site for free!

click here for create a demo website

click here to sign up


Websitesfortrainers.com also creates custom websites and features, for the same hosting fee of $11.95 a month plus the one time development fee billed at $60 an hour.


1. see our FAQ page

2. email: info@websitesfortrainers.com